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Против метода очерк анархистской теории познания

New York, 1966.

201. Jammer M. Concepts of Space. Cambridge, Mass., 1957.

202. Jantsсh E. Design for Evolution. New York, 1975.

203. Jоnes R. F. Ancients and Moderns. California, 1965.

204. Кант И. Критика чистого разума. – Сочинения в 6-ти томах, т. 3. М., 1964.

205. Kastner A. G. Geschichte der Mathematik, vol. IV. Gottingen, 1800.

206. Kaufmann W. Uber die Konstitution des Elektrons. – Ann. Phys., n.19, 1906.

207. Кenner H. Das Theater und der Realismus in der Griechischen Kunst. Vienna, 1954.

208. Кepler J. Gesammelte Werke. Munchen, Bd. II, 1939; Bd. IV, 1941.

209. Kepler J. Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena quibus Astronomiae Pars Optica Traditur. Frankfurt, 1604.

210. Кepler J. Dioptrice. Augsburg, 1611.

211. Kepler J. Conversation with Galileo's Siderial Messenger. New York, 1865.

212. Kepler J. Narratio de observatis a se quartuor Jovis satellibus. Frankfurt, 1611. – In: Werke, Bd. IV.

213. Keynes J. M. Newton the Man. – In: Essays and Sketches in Biography. New York, 1956.

214. Kilpatrik F. P. (ed.). Explorations in Transactional Psychology. New York, 1961.

215. Кirk G. S. Homer and Epic. Cambridge, 1965.

216. Klaus G. (ed.). Copernicus uber Kreisbewegung. Berlin, 1959.

217. Kleist В. H. W. von. Uber die allmahliche Verfertigung der Gedanken beim Reden. – In: Meyer H. (ed.). Meisterwerke Deutscher Liter aturkritik. Stuttgart, 1962.

218. Коpal Z. An Introduction to the Study of the Moon. North Holland, 1966.

218a. Коперник H. О вращениях небесных сфер. М., 1964.

219. Korner S. (ed.). Observation and Interpretation. London, 1957.

220. Кorner S. Conceptual Thinking. New York, 1960.

221. Кorner S. Categorical Frameworks. Oxford, 1971.

222. Кostler A. The Midwife Toad. New York, 1973.

223. Koyre A. Studies Galileennes, vol. III. Paris, 1939.

224. Koyre A. The Significance of the Newtonian Synthesis. – In: Newtonian Studies. London, 1965.

225. Коyre A. Metaphysics and Measurement. Cambridge, 1968.

226. Кгаfft F. Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, I. Freiburg, 1971.

227. Кrieg M. В. Green Medicine. New York, 1964.

228. Кrоpоtkin P. A. Modern Science and Anarchism. – In: Вaldwin R. W. (ed.). Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets. New York, 1970. Кропоткин П. А. Современная наука и анархия. M., 1920.

229. Кuhn T. S. The Copernican Revolution. New York, 1959.

230. Kuhn T. S. Measurement in Modern Physical Science. – Isis, vol. 52, 1961.

231. Kuhn T. S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago, 1962. Кун Т. С. Структура научных революций. M., 1975.

232. Kuhn T. S. The Function of Dogma in Scientific Research. – In: {69}.

233. Kuhn T. S. Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? – In: {245}.

234. Кuhner R. Ausfuhrliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache, 2 Teil. Darmstadt, 1966.

235. Кurz G. Darstellungsformen men schlicher Bewegung in der Ilias. Heidelberg, 1966.

236. Кwok D. W. Y. Scientism in Chinese Thought. New Haven, 1965.

237. Lactantius. Divinae Institutiones, III. De Falsa Sapientia.

238. Lagalla J. С. De phaenomenis in orbe lunae novi telescopii usa a D. Galileo Galilei nunc iterum suscitatis physica disputatio. Venice, 1612.

239. Lakatos I. Proofs and Refutations. – British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 14, 1963/1964. Лакатос И. Доказательства и опровержения: Как доказывают теоремы. M., 1967.

240. Lakatos I. History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions. – Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. VIII, 1965. Лакатос И. История наyки и ее рациональные реконстрyкции. – В: Стрyктyра и развитие наyки. M., 1978.

241. Lakatos I. Changes in the Problem of Inductive Logic. – In: Lakatos I. (ed.). The Problem of Inductive Logic. London, 1968.

242. Lakatos I. Criticism and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes. – Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 69. London,1968.

243. Lakatos I. Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes. – In: {245}.

244. Lakatos I. Popper on Demarcation and Induction. – In: Schilpp P. A. (ed.). The Philosophy of Sir Karl Popper, 1971.

245. Lakatos I. and Musgrave A. (eds.). Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. Cambridge, 1970.

246. Ландаy Л. Д. и Лившиц E. M. Квантовая механика, изд. 2-е. M., 1963.

247. Lattimоre R. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago, 1951.

248. Lea Ch. H. Materials for a History of Witchcraft. New York, 1957.

249. Leibniz G. W. Unvergreifliche Gedanken, betreffend die Ausubung und Verbesserung der Deutschen Sprache. – In: Wissenschaftliche Beihefte zur Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Sprachvereins, IV. Reihe, Heft 29. Berlin, 1907.

250. Lerner M. (ed.). Essential Works of John Stuart Mill.

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