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Против метода очерк анархистской теории познания

1. Munchen, 1930.

53. Сastanedа С. The Teachings of Don Juan. New York, 1968.

54. Сhazy J. La Theorie de la relativite et la Mechanique cefeste, vol. 1, Paris, 1928.

55. Choulant L. A History and Bibliography of Anatomical Illustration. New York, 1945.

56. Сhwalina A. Die Kreisbewegung der Gestirne. Leipzig, 1927.

57. Сlagell M. (ed.). Problems in the History of Science. Madison, 1959.

58. Сlagell M. Greek Science in Antiquity. London, 1957.

59. Сlagell M. The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages. Madison, 1959.

60. Соhen M. R. and Drabkin I. E. (eds.) A Source Book in Greek Science. New York, 1948.

61. Colodny R. G. (ed.) Mind and Cosmos. Pittsburg, 1966.

62. Соmte A. Cours de Philosophic Positive, vol. Ill, Paris, 1836. Конт О. Курс положительной философии. СПб., т. 1, 1899, т. 2, 1910.

63. Соnant I. B. Case Histories in the Experimental Sciences, vol. 1. Cambridge, 1957.

64. Conference on the Michelson-Morley Experiment. – Astrophysical Journal, vol. 68, 1928.

65. Копeрник H. О вращениях небесных сфер. M., 1964.

66. Сrassi H. On the Three Comets of 1618. – In: The Controversy of the Comets of 1618.

67. Сrоizier R. C. Traditional Medicine in Modern China. Harvard University Press, 1968.

68. Сrоmbie A. C. Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science. Oxford, 1953.

69. Сгоmbie А. С. (ed.). Scientific Change. London, 1963.

70. Dantо A. and Morgenbesser S. (eds.) Philosophy of Science. New York, 1960.

71. Descartes R. Dioptrices. – In: Renati Descartes Specima Philosophiae. Amsterdam, 1957.

72. Dewey J. The Quest for Certainty. New York, 1960.

73. Diсke R. H. Remarks on the observational Basis of General Relativity. – In: Chiu H. and Hoffman W. F. (eds.). Gravitation and Relativity. New York, 1964.

74. Dоdds E. R. The Greeks and Irrational. Boston, 1957.

75. Drake S. Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo. New York, 1957.

76. Drake S. and Drabkin I. E. (eds.). Galileo Galilei on Motion and on Mechanics. Medison, 1960.

77. Drake S. and Drabkin I. E. (eds.). Mechanics in Sixteenth Century Italy. Madison, 1969.

78. Drake S. and O'Malley C. (eds.). The Controversy on the Comets of 1618. London, 1960.

79. Dreyer J. D. D. A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler. New York, 1953.

80. Duhem P. La Theorie Physique: Son Objet, Sa Structure. Paris, 1914. Дюгем П. Физическая теория, ее цель и строение. СПб., 1910.

81. Duhem P. To Save the Phenomena. Chicago, 1969.

82. During I. Aristoteles. Heidelberg, 1966.

83. Eddingtоn A. The Mathematical Theory of Relativity. London, 1924.

84. Ehrenfest P. Zur Stabilitatsfrage bei den Bucherer-Langevin Elektronen. – Physikalische Zeifschrift. Bd. 7, 1906.

85. Einstein A. Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Motion. New York, 1956. Эйнштейн А. Собрание наyчных трyдов, т. 1. M.,1965.

86. Elia P. M., S. J. Galileo in China. Harvard University Press, I960,

87. Else G. The Origin and Early Form of Tragedy. Cambridge, 1965.

88. Epstein M. Varieties of Perceptual Learning. London, 1967.

89. Evans-Pritchard E. E. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande. Oxford, 1937.

90. Evans-Pritсhard E. E. The Nuer. Oxford, 1940.

91. Evans-Pritchard E. E. Social Anthropology and Other Essays. Free Press, 1964.

92. Evans-Pritchard E. E. Social Anthropology. Free Press, 1965.

93. Exnеr F. M. Notiz zu Browns Molekularbewegung. - Ann. Phys., n. 2, 1900.

94. Feigl H. and Brodbeck M. (eds.). Readings in the Philosophy of Science. New York, 1953.

95. Feigl H. and Maxwell G. (eds.). Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York, 1961.

96. Feigl H. and Sсriven M. (eds.). Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. I. Minneapolis, 1956.

97. Feigl H., Sсriven M. and Maxwell G. (eds.). Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. II. Minneapolis, 1958.

98. Feigl H. The Orthodox View of Theories. – In: Radner and Winokur (eds.). Analyses of Theories and Methods of Physics. Minneapolis, 1970.

99. Feigl H. Empiricism at Bay. – Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 5. Minneapolis, 1972.

100. Fermi E. Thermodynamics. New York, 1956.

101. Feyerabend P. K. Carnap's Theorie der Interpretation Theoretischer Systeme. – Theoria, vol. 21, 1955.

102. Feyerabend P. K. Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations". – Philosophical Review, vol. 54, 1955.

103. Feyerabend P. К. Eine Bemerkung zum Neumannschen Beweis. – Zeitschrift fur Physik, vol. 145. 1956.

104. Feyerabend P. К. On the Quantum Theory of Measurement. – In: Korner S. (ed.). Observation an d Interpretation. London, 1957.

105. Feyerabend P. K. An Attempt of a Realistic Interpretation of Experience.

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